BASE_Entity is mantained just like any other dimension in the CoreBUILD > Dimension screen. If you are required to report both Level 1 and Level 2 for a form, rather than duplicate all the source data we idenitify the level 2 differences via tagging and add them to level 1 to report the total for […]
Tagging needs to be updated when; a) a new element is added to the business dimension used in that sbr dimensions tagging. b) A change to the tagging is required due to a mistake or a reclassification is require due to an APRA ruling. c) a new form version has been released and there is […]
Yes, new requirements for tagging can be added in advance of the form requiring it as it will not affect existing tagging. Provided those changes can be made and applied to the current period without issue.
No, the workflow will need to roll forward to the next period before you can make changes. Any changes made in the current period will affect the current period.
Yes you can, so long as the tagging version is not locked
In the Tagging Versions screen a new version will need to be created so that changes can be made. Click on the “Create New Version” button. This will increment the tagging version for this period. Review and confirm the Tagging assumptions (Levels, Dimensions and attributes) are still correct, or change them and then press the […]
This error message is ensuring you lock your tagging configuration / assumptions for this dimension. To do this on the Tagging versions screen press the “Save, Lock and Copy” button. This will lock down the assumptions (Levels, Dimensions and Attributes) for this dimension.