Go to the “Return Management” screen and press the “Export to APRA” button. If only some returns or forms are required to be exported then make those selections. Press the “Export” button. This will export the form in d2a xml format ready for import into d2a. Open d2a and import the xml file and submit […]
Click on the “Autofit selected column width” button to expand the column. Alternatively you can double click on the cell, this will allow you to see the complete contents.
Do you wish to re-use manually entered data across multiple Forms? You can enter the data against a data item in the Manual input screen. This is accessed via the home landing page. To set this up please refer to the User Guidance notes section under Data.
If a manual adjustment is completed via the form using the “Data Source Drill” screen, you will be able to see the break down within the manual adjustment screen. Multiple adjustments can be entered in this screen and the system will consolidate them for the individual form attribute. This is limited to an individual form […]
Ensure the data source load is adjusted to accommodate the newly added field of data. e.g. if the cube is sourced from an ODBC link, then the SQL statement will need to be updated to accommodate the additional field.
This can be seen through the Review Data loads function – CoreBUILD / Cubes / Review Data Loads. Alternatively you could double click on a cube directly via the navigation panel on the lefthand side and browse the cube. You can also review the reconcilation report via the data workflow task.
A base cube load brings data from source into CoreBIS. The base cubes are completely made up of business dimensions and represent business data. Updating a tagged cube takes data from the base cube and transforms it using the tagging data to populate the sbr dimensions. Once tagged the data is ready for mapping.
The frequency of updates is controled via the Dimension or Cube screens in CoreBUILD. Updating dimensions daily will cause no issues, it will check the source each night and update the lists to reflect any new elements. Updating cubes Daily could cause issues though, the data volumes associated with monthly snapshot data can cause issues […]
A dimension update is the structure data. Lists of accounts, cost centres, etc. Loading cube data is the period specific data. January Balances, etc. If a cube load is bringing data into CoreBIS for an element (i.e account) that does not exist an error will occur. For this reason we always update dimensions before cubes.
BASE_Entity is mantained just like any other dimension in the CoreBUILD > Dimension screen. If you are required to report both Level 1 and Level 2 for a form, rather than duplicate all the source data we idenitify the level 2 differences via tagging and add them to level 1 to report the total for […]