Release Notes – 2024 May

Download Here: CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2024_05_31 CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2024_05_31 CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2024_Workflow CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2024_Workflow Summary of Release Notes Code updates CU222: Master D2A Update logging and error checking (Risk: M) CU223: Audit Reporting not outputting Tagging data for the ARS112 (Risk: L) Enhancements […]

CAB Meeting – 2024 May

Agenda: Introductions CoreBIS updates Workflow Update New APRA Dashboard Planning Analytics Workspace Expected Credit Loss (ECL) AASB 9 Customer Topic 1 – James Cochrane P&N Customer Topic 2 – Trent Bennett TMBL Open Discussion   Download the Presentation here: CoreBIS Customer Advisory Board 2024-May  

Release Notes – 2024 April

Download Here: CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2024_04_30 CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2024_04_30 Summary of Release Notes Code updates CU218: ARS_112 has a change to the holes validation file (Risk: L) CU219: Auto Archiving: Error checking (Risk: M) CU220: Movement Report: Missing Freeze Panes (Risk: L) CU221: Movement Report: Decimal Places not working (Risk: […]

Release Notes – 2024 February

Download Here: CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2024_02_29 CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2024_02_29 Summary of Release Notes Code updates CU200: Recurring text manual adjustments not working. (Risk:L) CU202: Remove additional columns from the Manual Table Adjustments screen (Risk:L) CU217: Export to XML of ARS_110_0 fails for Final version (Risk:M) Enhancements to Existing Features EF160: […]

Release Notes – 2024 January

Download Here: CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2024_01_31 CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2024_01_31 Summary of Release Notes Code updates CU216: Audit Report does not work for ARS_112. (Risk:L) Enhancements to Existing Features EF158: Warning feature for Add all Items when Tagging. (Risk:L) EF164: Versioning of Dimension Consolidations (Risk:M) EF167: Add the ACD cubes to […]

Release Notes – 2023 October

Download Here: CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2023_10_31 CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2023_10_31 Summary of Release Notes Code updates CU213: Fix ARS_112 email link issue. (Risk:L) CU215: Security > License Summary Metrics. (Risk:L) Enhancements to Existing Features EF88: Movement Report Thresholds stored by form. (Risk:L) EF161: Add to Workflow Overview Notes Page. (Risk:L) New […]

Working Group Meeting – 2023 Qtr 3

Agenda: Introductions Workflow Current Process Proposed Process Data Movement New Feature Ideas Open Discussion   Download the Powerpoint Presentation here: CoreBIS Working Group 2023-Q3 Download the Transcription of the discussion section of the meeting here: CoreBIS Working Group 2023-Q3 – Discussion Transcription

Release Notes – 2023 August

Download Here: CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2023_08_31 CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2023_08_31 Summary of Release Notes Code updates CU150: Form 796_1 Does not work, cannot do table adjustments. (Risk:L) CU208: Copy Data Process caught up on in-use files (Risk:M) CU209: ARF_910 T3&4 / ARF_222_2 table adjustment error (Risk:L) CU210: Load Tagged with table […]

CAB Meeting – 2023 Qtr 3

Agenda: Introductions CoreBIS Updates APRA Connect Integration APRA Data Collections Road Map User Guide Working Group Open Discussion   Download the Powerpoint Presentation here: CoreBIS CAB 2023-Q3 Download the Transcription of the discussion section of the meeting here: CoreBIS CAB 2023-Q3 – Discussion Transcription

User Guide – 2023 August

The user guide takes a users through all of the main areas of CoreBIS. Architecture and data flow Workflow Administration End User Reporting Movement Analysis Manual Adjustments Validations Market Share Data Quality Trend Analysis Customised Reporting Reconciliations Control CoreBUILD Dimensions Cubes Tagging Table Mapping Mapping Security Return Management   Download it here;   CoreBIS User Guide […]

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