Release Notes – 2020 March

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CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2020_03_31


Summary of Release Notes

Code updates
  • CU23: Add cell annotations to WF_ACTION_Form_Security copy process
  • CU24: Base Data Load – If nothing returned in SQL, no reporting period. and no data in “Cube Load Date Review.xlsx”
  • CU27: Add of dimension/cube check Security Refresh
  • CU28: Tagging of SBR – Picklist sometimes doesn’t update.
  • CU29: Submitting workflow – APRA Calculation
  • CU30: Workflow Dashboard -ARV reference is incorrect.
  • CU31: Adjustments Report Description field reference is incorrect
  • CU32: Marketshare EFS Client data missing
  • CU33: Movement Reports – Final version not work
  • CU34: PET description doesn’t always show.
  • CU35: Data Quality Report doesn’t show Phase 3 forms
Enhancements to Existing Features
  • EF19: SQL Server Configuration Table
New Features
  • NF17: Archive Data Feature
Category: Release Notes
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