Release Notes – 2020 September

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CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2020_09_30


Summary of Release Notes

Code updates
  • CU55: XML exports CoreBIS made up attributes.
  • CU56: CoreSecurity update Email Address
  • CU57: Add dim to existing cube doesn’t set new dimension’s type.
  • CU58: Workflow Notes Security
  • CU59: New Tagged Cube dimensions have no map subsets for picklist
  • CU60: Version management screen > Form Tasks is wrong.
  • CU61: 2 Level workflow, when submitting all forms causes copy issues.
  • CU62: REC screens only show current ARV, doesn’t pass from screen to screen
  • CU63: Workflow Overview – Submit Return
  • CU64: DIM_APRA_Concept
Enhancements to Existing Features
  • EF43: Add a D2A update button to Return Management Screen.
  • EF44: Allow Export XML filename to be changed.
  • EF47: Better data recovery procedures
New Features
New Form Versions
  • ARF_210_5v5
  • ARF_910_0v4
Category: Release Notes
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