Release Notes – 2021 August

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CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2021_08_31

Summary of Release Notes

Code updates
  • CU71: Spelling mistake CoreBUILD
  • CU74: Validation field too long.
  • CU75: Historical Return Load
  • CU76: SQL – Shared Folder Issue
  • CU77: Table Manual Adjustment not showing after submit, but shows if done via table mapping.
  • CU78: Reoccurring Adjustments Descriptions
  • CU79: Movement report for 720_0A section 2 totals incorrect for version 2 and movement.
Enhancements to Existing Features
  • EF55: Add another column to New Elements report
  • EF64: Table item ordering for displaying nicely
  • EF66: CSV File converter updates
  • EF67: Adding BAL attributes for ARF_330_1
  • EF69: Tagging Screen – Order Alphabetical the elements.
  • EF70: Cube Load Preview and Dimension Load Preview screen. Clear Function
New Features
New Form Version
Category: Release Notes
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