Release Notes – 2023 May

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CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2023_05_31

CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2023_05_31

Summary of Release Notes

Code updates
  • CU 200: Movement Reports by Datasource – Stop data entry in the report. (Risk: L)
  • CU 201: Add additional input rows for manual table adjustment ARF_221_1 Table 2 (Risk: L)
  • CU 203: Lite Cubes blank out submission data when resubmission is loaded. (Risk: M)
  • CU 204: ARS_110 Export to AC error with percentage formatting. (Risk: M)
Enhancements to Existing Features
  • EF146: Add comment column to New Element Report. (Risk:L)
  • EF147: Add Export options to data loads and cubes. (Risk:L)
  • EF148: Allow table mapping of individual rows. (Risk: M)
  • EF149: Create a Movement and/or Trend report for the ARS_112. (Risk:L)
  • EF150: Archive of APRA Return Version, ability to turn off rules on sure W and S versions. (Risk: M)
  • EF151: Movement Report Scale – User Update function. (Risk: L)
New Features
New Form Version
APRA Connect Taxonomy
  • APRA Connect – ARS_110_0v8 Form (Risk: L)
  • APRA Connect – ARS_112_0v7 Form (Risk: L)
  • APRA Connect – ARS_115_0v6 Form (Risk: L)
Category: Release Notes
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