Release Notes – 2024 April

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CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2024_04_30

CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2024_04_30

Summary of Release Notes

Code updates
  • CU218: ARS_112 has a change to the holes validation file (Risk: L)
  • CU219: Auto Archiving: Error checking (Risk: M)
  • CU220: Movement Report: Missing Freeze Panes (Risk: L)
  • CU221: Movement Report: Decimal Places not working (Risk: L)
Enhancements to Existing Features
  • EF172: Market Share: Add monthly movement (Risk: L)
  • EF173: Market Share: Reverse order of period selector (Risk: L)
  • EF174: Allow Users to make Custom reports Public (Risk: L)
New Features
New Form Version
APRA Connect Taxonomy
Category: Release Notes
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