Release Notes – 2021 November

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CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2021_11_30

Summary of Release Notes

Code updates
  • CU82: 720 label – 10.6
  • CU83: Dim updates NULL
  • CU84: Manually added forms missing Precision
  • CU85: XML Export “&” Character
  • CU86: Subsets on SYS_CB_Structures, SYS_CB_DataSources & SYS_CB_DataLoads are not refreshing.
Enhancements to Existing Features
  • EF61: Background Data loads > Email arrives before process finished.
  • EF77: Add delimiter type and header record to textfile dimension / cube loads. (Dimension and Cube Text File screens).
  • EF78: Update Validation Report Conditional Formatting

New Features

  • NF41: CoreBIS Lite
New Form Version
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