Release Notes – 2022 July

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CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2022_07_31

CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2022_07_31

Summary of Release Notes

Code updates
  • CU107: When adding dimensions to cubes rules drop off (Risk:M)
  • CU127: Drill not working when multiple versions of cube created (Risk:L)
  • CU135: SYS_Date_Formatter Dimension needs extending (Risk:L)
  • CU138: Table Item Derivation not showing after Table Mapping (Risk:L)
  • CU139: Update ODBC Open command for Unicode (Risk:H)
  • CU140: Security on Table Mapping cubes – INT_APRA_Map2 (Risk:L)
  • CU141: File Formatter: Description not loading for a concatenated field (Risk:L)
  • CU142: Table Adjustments adding many 0 adjustments (Risk:L)
  • CU143: TM1Web Error – Workflow Overview (Risk:L)
  • CU144: Dimension “APRA_Return” Missing Element “9999” (Risk:L)
  • CU146: Return Management – Run Monthly – Causing wrong Due Date (Risk:L)
Enhancements to Existing Features
  • EF133: Add dropdown to Text File Edit screen for archive of files after load (Risk:M)
New Features
  • NF45 P2: Integrate CoreBIS with APRA Connect (Risk:H)
    • NF45 P2 1: Review Data Length of typed dimensions.
    • NF45 P2 2: Export to XML function.
    • NF45 P2 3: Additions to the Return Management Screen for APRA Connect.
  • NF50: Allocation / Apportionment Module (Risk:M)
New Form Version
  • ARF_180_1v3
  • ARF_220_0v8
  • ARF_222_1v1
  • ARF_222_2v1
Category: Release Notes
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