Release Notes – 2022 May

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CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2022_05_31

CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2022_05_31


Summary of Release Notes

Code updates
  • CU128: Validation report not working for ARF_730_0
  • CU129: Validation report not working for ARF_330_0_L
  • CU130: Mapping not locking/copying duplicate Datasource cubes (aka. BASE_Balanace_Sheet_1 cube)
  • CU131: INT_APRA_Map not feeding when duplicate cube.
  • CU132: APRA_Return_Version_Form feeds cube doesnt exist
  • CU133: Locked Map Version not copying correctly
Enhancements to Existing Features
  • EF120: Add a new dimension to Cube updates
  • EF127: Changing to one decimal place on the adjustments report
  • EF129: Report Offset to include an exclude flag for certain periods
New Features
New Form Version
  • ARF_923_0v3
Category: Release Notes
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