Release Notes – 2021 November

Download Here: CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2021_11_30 Summary of Release Notes Code updates CU82: 720 label – 10.6 CU83: Dim updates NULL CU84: Manually added forms missing Precision CU85: XML Export “&” Character CU86: Subsets on SYS_CB_Structures, SYS_CB_DataSources & SYS_CB_DataLoads are not refreshing. Enhancements to Existing Features EF61: Background Data loads > Email arrives […]

Release Notes – 2021 August

Download Here: CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2021_08_31 Summary of Release Notes Code updates CU71: Spelling mistake CoreBUILD CU74: Validation field too long. CU75: Historical Return Load CU76: SQL – Shared Folder Issue CU77: Table Manual Adjustment not showing after submit, but shows if done via table mapping. CU78: Reoccurring Adjustments Descriptions CU79: Movement report […]

Release Notes – 2021 June

Download Here:   CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2021_06_30   Summary of Release Notes Code updates Enhancements to Existing Features EF65: CoreBUILD > Cube data loads to add to dimensions. New Features NF40: Format a text file to correct format New Form Version

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