Release Notes – 2023 February

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CoreBIS – Release Notes – 2023_02_28

CoreBIS – Testing Verification – 2023_02_28

Summary of Release Notes

Code updates
  • CU 184: Can not import historical submission data into ARF_180_1 Table 6 (Risk:L)
  • CU 186: Lite cubes using file formatter, error as numeric logic applied (Risk:L)
  • CU 187: Weighted Average Tenor Calculation ARF_748 (Risk:L)
  • CU 188: ARF_210_1Av12 & ARF_210_1Bv9 wrong derivation calculation (Risk:L)
  • CU 189: Archiving Tagged data not completing (Risk:L)
Enhancements to Existing Features
  • EF45: Better drill process (Risk:L)
  • EF79: Data Lineage on large scale / Audit Report (Risk:L)
  • EF125: Access the valid list of elements in a table. (Risk:L)
New Features
New Form Version
  • ADI_CAPADv5 (ARS_110_0)
  • ADI_CRSTDv5 (ARS_112_0)
APRA Connect Taxonomy
  • Taxonomy update v5 (Risk:M)
Category: Release Notes
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